Sección: Liburutegi Birtuala
Izenburua: EAC-CPF Ontology and linked archival data [Recurso electrónico] / Silvia Mazzini, Francesca Ricci
Autorea: Mazzini, Silvia
Oharrak: Resumen: The EAC-CPF standard is an XML schema maintained by the Society
of American Archivists in partnership with the Berlin State Library used for encoding contextual information about persons, corporate bodies, and families related to archival materials. The main goal of this paper is to demonstrate the feasibility of the application of Semantic Web technology for creating Linked Open Data of descriptions of entities associated with the creation and maintenance of archives. In this paper we present two EAC-CPF ontologies and we provide an in-depth description of all phases of the work, from the study of the standard to the definition of the classes and properties of the two OWL ontologies and a case study of application in authority records of IBC Archivi (information system of historical archives in the Emilia-Romagna region).
Materia / geográfico / evento: Ontologías (Recuperación de la información)
Datos enlazados
Bigarren mailako autoreak: Ricci, Francesca
CDU: 004.422.63
Tipo de publicación:
Artículos y Capítulos
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